Christmas is a time for celebrations and being with people you love. The children thought about celebrations they have with their families and celebrations we have learnt about in Nursery. Using ‘My Family, Your Family’, alongside other books, we learnt so much about each other.
“I got to the Mosque at Eid. I just pray” “My daddy makes kebabs” “My mummy makes jollof rice” “I sing at Church. Jesus pray. Jesus pray. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Put your hands together. Put your hands together. Pray oh pray” “I went to Colchester Zoo on my birthday”
“I played on my birthday. I have a party” “I have balloon” “Mummy came to my birthday” “What presents did they give Baby Jesus?” “I haven’t got a tree yet” “I’m gonna get a toy for Christmas” What a lovely thing it is to do, to sit and talk with the children about their lives.